
0486 水松石山房主人 天龙解脱 立轴

LOT号 0486 作品名称 水松石山房主人 天龙解脱 立轴
作者 水松石山房主人 尺寸 83×78cm 创作年代 --
估价 80,000-150,000 成交价 RMB 91,044
材质 设色纸本 形制 立轴
出版:Beyond the Stage of Time, Volume II: Staff Masters and Stone Fools, 2020, P227
The Hermit of Riven Valley was an albino, small, pale and compelling with features that suggested his forebears, perhaps he himself, had come from far to the West long ago. His home was pleasantly positioned so as to accommodate the seasons and I visited him for extended stays on several occasions. He was known for his companions, a rather disconsolate dragon and an eagle that looked, and acted, as if it had been around for as long as he had. The latter came and went as it pleased, as did the hermit, and often returned with a tasty treat to share; I never did see the dragon, although I heard it several times and frequently witnessed the outcome of its presence which the hermit preferred to invoke alone, in his unusually regularly watered orchard and vegetable garden. I suspect this handy aid to farming was responsible for the excellent plum wine that he made, which was always strong, rich and potent. Before I left him for the last time I carved for him and his companions a sceptre to represent the three of them broken free from the Dusty World, to symbolize which I used some discarded links from a broken old chain I found on the road to his valley instead of a tassel.
Inscribed by the Master of the Water, Pine and Stone Retreat at the Garden at the Edge of the Universe while a single idle cloud measures the horizon and my spirits are lifted by the first sunny day of the year 2015.
钤印:「水松石山房」、 「山外山樵」
