
0302 伦勃朗·哈尔曼松·凡·莱因 1649年作 基督疗伤

LOT号 0302 作品名称 伦勃朗·哈尔曼松·凡·莱因 1649年作 基督疗伤
作者 伦勃朗·哈尔曼松·凡·莱因 尺寸 34×45cm 创作年代 1649年作
估价 38,000-88,000 成交价 RMB 43,700
材质 铜版画 形制
1.Ash,Nancy & Shelley Fletcher.Watermarks in Rembrandt’s Prints. Washington D.C.,1998. Watermark listed and illustrated as catalogue no.14 Dovecote A.a.
2.Biörklund,George,Rembrandt’s Etchings:True and False,1968.Listed and illustrated as catalogue raisonné no.BB 49-I.
3.Boon,K.G.,Rembrandt The Complete Etchings,1965. Image listed as plate 216 with full size details.
4.Hind,Arthur,A Catalogue of Rembrandt’s Etchings,1967.Listed and illustrated as catalogue raisonné no.236.
5.Nowell-Usticke,G.W.,Rembrandt’s Etchings,1988. Listed and illustrated as catalogue raisonné no.B74.
6.Schwartz,Gary,Rembrandt:All the etchings reproduced in true size,1977.Listed and illustrated as catalogue raisonné no.B74.
7.White,Christopher and Boon,Karel,Rembrandt’s Etchings,Vol.1,1969.Listed and illustrated as catalogue raisonné no.B74. 8.White,Christopher and Boon,Karel,Rembrandt’s Etchings,Vol.2,1969.Listed and illustrated as catalogue raisonné no.B74.
9.White,Christopher,Rembrandt as an Etcher,1969,Vol.1.Discussed on pages 56-57.10.White,Christopher,Rembrandt as an Etcher,1969,Vol.2.Listed as plate 62.